Law Firm Profile
Arrangement/Partnership type
Partnership (P)
Expansion of the Croatian market towards Europe and the world has brought the firm dynamic business surrounding and cooperation with numerous foreign clients as well as the international organizations which have met the firm with the new challenges to which it has responded readily and as true experts.
Top legal services in various law fields and individual approach to each case guarantee the success and contentment of all LAW FIRM KARLO NOVOSEL's clients.
LAW FIRM KARLO NOVOSEL specializes in the practices areas of, but not limited to, Banking and financing law, Tax and customs law, Construction law, Immigration law, Investment law, Criminal law, Medical law, Media law, International law, International trade, International private law, Conciliation and mediation, Damages, Family law, Obligations law, General corporative law, Enforcements, Companies law, Insurance law, Litigations, Misdemeanor law, Labor law, Personal status law, Bankruptcy law, Telecommunication law, Commercial law, Contract law, Administrative law, Land – registry law (real estates), Constitutional law and Human Rights law.
For prices, fees, pricing models, scheduling an appointment, or any other questions, contact LAW FIRM KARLO NOVOSEL.
From Clients & Users
Ratings & Reviews
1 Clients & Users Reviews
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All reviews are subject to approval and publicly published when approved and upon user consent. The Lawyers Global® and TLGO - RANKING SERVICES, LDA. will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues (whether incurred directly or indirectly), any loss of data, unauthorized or inappropriate use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from user’ reviews or testimonials.
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The Lawyers Global® reserves the right not to approve testimonials or reviews that may be considered defamatory, offensive, abusive, harmful, harassing, or illegal. Also, testimonials or reviews that impersonate another user or person, discriminate against race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, national origin, physical handicaps, or other types of prejudice. Users must accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Quick Overview
Facts & Figures
LAW FIRM KARLO NOVOSEL was established in 2015
revenue (2020)
brand ranking
Coming soon
Law Firm’s People
Non-Equity Partners: –
Attorneys: 1
Lawyers: –
Of Counsels: –
Associates: –
Fee Earners: –
Staff Attorney: –
General Staff: –
Other: –
Headcount: is to the sum of all the law firm’s people;
Partner: Partners may include the Managing Partner but not Non-Equity Partners;
Non-Equity Partners: Non-Equity Partners are law firm employees who were promoted from Associate to a tier of Partnership in which the lawyer does not share in the profits or capital of the firm;
Attorneys: Within the US, the main difference between an Attorney and a Lawyer is that an individual must successfully pass a bar exam and become a member of a state bar association to be considered an attorney. Within other countries Attorneys maybe considered as Lawyers;
Lawyers: Within the US, the main difference between a Lawyer and an Attorney is that the lawyer must successfully pass a bar exam and become a member of a state bar association to be considered an Attorney. Within other countries Lawyers maybe considered as Attorneys;
Counsels: Counsels are, in general, lawyers and does not refer to the nature of the relationship between the Attorney and a law firm;
Of Counsels: Of Counsel is the title of an Attorney in the legal profession of the United States who often has a relationship with a law firm or an organization but is neither an associate nor partner;
Associates: An Associate is a junior or senior Attorney who works at a law firm, or is employed by another Attorney;
Fee Earners: Fee Earners may include Partners, Solicitors, Legal Executives, Paralegals, Assistant Solicitors, Trainees, Associates, and any other person whose time is charged against client work. Choose always the highest position before selecting a Fee Earner;
Paralegal: A paralegal is a professional who performs tasks that require knowledge of legal concepts but not the full expertise of a lawyer;
Staff Attorney: Staff Attorneys are associates with law degrees who have passed the Bar Exam in their states. They research, analyze, and write about complex legal issues;
General Staff: General Staff may include the COO, IT staff, Secretaries, personal assistants, and other law firm employees with a specific job description;
Other: any other people who work at a law firm that does not match any of the different categories;
Spoken Languages
The above data corresponds to the latest information we have about the firm, concerning its People and Spoken Languages.
If the data is incomplete or outdated, do not hesitate to Contact Us Here.
Legal Industry
Practice Areas
Administrative Law
Banking and Finance Law
Commercial Law
Companies Law
Constitutional Law
Construction Law
Contract Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law and Misdemeanours
Customs Law
Family Law
General Corporative Law
Human Rights Law
International Law
International Private Law
International Trade
Investment Law
Labor and Employment
Medical Law
Migration Law
Obligations Law
Personal Status Law
Private Law
Property and Land Law
Real Estate
Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Click the links to search all the firms specializing in the above practice areas.
Locations & Jurisdictions
Headquarter & Contacts
Below is LAW FIRM KARLO NOVOSEL's headquarter address and contacts. The firm may possibly have more offices in other jurisdictions for which we might have no information. Check the firm website for other contacts, or search for the firm name.
Data Protection
Compliance Rating
This law firm might not legally guarantee your privacy rights.
Last compliance verification on February 2025
Consumer data privacy, data protection, and disclaimers’ information publishing illustrate the firm’s compliance1) with established current international regulatory laws.
Privacy Policy data not available
Terms of Service data not available
Disclaimers data not available
1) The current rating is based on the latest information available. The firm might have its policies published, yet we do not have that information. Do check the firm website and search for its legal compliance.