If you do not have a consistent goal in life, you can not live it in a consistent way.—Marcus Aurelius

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Article Attorneys and Lawyers – Who is what, and how many?

Attorneys and Lawyers – Who is what, and how many?

Published on Monday, 11th July 2022 – 01:33:29 pm by Commercial Department
Reading time: 3 minutes | Word count: 738 words

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Article New Membership Plans for Law Firms at The Lawyers Global

New Membership Plans for Law Firms at The Lawyers Global

Published on Friday, 15th October 2021 – 01:33:58 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 3 minutes | Word count: 709 words

The Lawyers Global® launched four new Membership Plans for Law Firms on our platform this October 14, 2021, responding to the legal business market demand from law firms in 240+ countries.

Legal Terms of Service and Conditions for Membership Plans Subscription

Terms of Service and Conditions for Membership Plans Subscription

Published on Wednesday, 13th October 2021 – 08:24:07 am by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 27 minutes | Word count: 6272 words

This document sets the terms of service and conditions for the subscription to The Lawyers Global Membership Plans, for which the Client must agree and be bound.

Legal 2021 Annual Legal Awards Terms and Conditions

2021 Annual Legal Awards Terms and Conditions

Published on Monday, 4th January 2021 – 12:50:59 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 7 minutes | Word count: 1622 words

These terms and conditions govern the 2021 Annual Legal Awards atThe Lawyers Global platform. Please read the terms in full before you proceed with submitting your law firm.

Press Release 2021 Award Shortlisted Law Firms announcement

2021 Award Shortlisted Law Firms announcement

Published on Wednesday, 16th December 2020 – 12:50:11 pm by Newsroom
Reading time: 1 minute | Word count: 274 words

The lawyers Global is pleased to announce that the first group of the 2021 Annual Global Legal Awards SHORTLISTED FIRMS is available today, December 16th, 2020, on our platform directories.

Article Become one of the The Lawyers Global RECOMMENDED FIRM

Become one of the The Lawyers Global RECOMMENDED LAW FIRMS

Published on Monday, 4th March 2019 – 04:32:26 am by The Lawyers Global — Newsroom
Reading time: 1 minute | Word count: 165 words

Starting this March 2019, The Lawyers Global is now accepting applications online for the 2019 Global & Country Awards 2019 along with the new feature “RECOMMENDED LAW FIRM” application.


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