Well begun is half done.—Aristotle

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Legal Security Policy

Security Policy

Published on Tuesday, 17th August 2021 – 10:18:34 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 3 minutes | Word count: 860 words

The purpose of this Security Policy is to establish guidelines with respect to communication and updates of The Lawyers Global® public-facing website.

Legal 2021 Annual Legal Awards Terms and Conditions

2021 Annual Legal Awards Terms and Conditions

Published on Monday, 4th January 2021 – 12:50:59 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 7 minutes | Word count: 1622 words

These terms and conditions govern the 2021 Annual Legal Awards atThe Lawyers Global platform. Please read the terms in full before you proceed with submitting your law firm.

Legal Impressum


Published on Sunday, 22nd March 2020 – 10:56:34 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 1 minute | Word count: 252 words

The Lawyers Global – a registered brand, property of TLGO - RANKING SERVICES, LDA. CRC Lisboa PT515871117


2020 Annual Legal Awards Terms and Conditions

Published on Friday, 21st February 2020 – 12:40:27 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 6 minutes | Word count: 1347 words

These terms and conditions govern the 2020 Annual Legal Awards atThe Lawyers Global platform. Please read the terms in full before you proceed with submitting your law firm.

Legal The Lawyers Global

Terms of Service & Conditions

Published on Friday, 25th May 2018 – 04:57:46 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 11 minutes | Word count: 2641 words

These terms and conditions govern your use of The Lawyers Global website. Please read the terms in full before you use this Website.

Legal The Lawyers Global

Privacy Policy Compliance

Published on Thursday, 24th May 2018 – 11:49:07 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 22 minutes | Word count: 5052 words

This Privacy Statement explains the personal information we collect from you, either directly or indirectly, and how we will use it.


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