A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working mason; if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call himself an architect.—Walter Scott

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Article What You Must Know to Keep Your Law Firm Website 100% Compliant

What You Must Know to Keep Your Law Firm Website 100% Compliant

Published on Sunday, 18th February 2024 – 04:05:56 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 6 minutes | Word count: 1344 words

With the rise of e-commerce, online businesses, and data protection, regulatory enforcement, data protection statements, and website legal compliance have become more critical.

Article The new Brazilian General Data Protection Law - GDPL

The new Brazilian General Data Protection Law - GDPL

Published on Tuesday, 14th July 2020 – 11:47:36 am by Data Protection Officer
Reading time: 6 minutes | Word count: 1408 words

The Brazilian General Data Protection Law - GDPL is a new data privacy law that will apply to businesses (both inside and outside Brazil) that process the personal data of users located in Brazil.

Article Making 2019 the Best Year

Making 2019 the Best Year

Published on Friday, 8th February 2019 – 12:37:19 pm by The Lawyers Global — Newsroom
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Last year we received tremendously positive feedback from firms and other legal business industry companies worldwide which proved that we’re on the right track to serving our clients and the

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Terms of Service & Conditions

Published on Friday, 25th May 2018 – 04:57:46 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 11 minutes | Word count: 2641 words

These terms and conditions govern your use of The Lawyers Global website. Please read the terms in full before you use this Website.

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Privacy Policy Compliance

Published on Thursday, 24th May 2018 – 11:49:07 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 22 minutes | Word count: 5052 words

This Privacy Statement explains the personal information we collect from you, either directly or indirectly, and how we will use it.


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