If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.—Charles Dickens

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Article Why Should You List Your Law Firm on our Directory?

Why Should You List Your Law Firm on our Directories?

Published on Thursday, 27th January 2022 – 04:23:57 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 5 minutes | Word count: 1310 words

Clients don't know or care if you have a small or large law firm if they can't find you. They will find your competitors.

Article Doing Business in Kuwait?

Doing Business in Kuwait?

Published on Friday, 15th March 2024 – 12:48:29 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 8 minutes | Word count: 1949 words

Doing business in Kuwait can be challenging for foreigners due to the country's complex legal and regulatory system and cultural differences. For example, all companies in Kuwait must be registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and foreign investors must have a local Kuwaiti partner or sponsor to establish a business.

Article Doing business in Qatar?

Doing business in Qatar?

Published on Wednesday, 6th March 2024 – 03:26:41 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 7 minutes | Word count: 1781 words

Qatar is a country that offers numerous business opportunities for foreign investors. Its stable political environment, growing economy, and strategic location make it an attractive destination for business ventures.

Article Doing Business in the United Arab Emirates?

Doing Business in the United Arab Emirates?

Published on Saturday, 2nd March 2024 – 06:14:04 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 7 minutes | Word count: 1642 words

When doing business in the United Arab Emirates, it is essential to understand the culture and business etiquette. Business relationships in the UAE are built on personal connections and trust.

Article Doing Business in Saudi Arabia?

Doing Business in Saudi Arabia?

Published on Sunday, 25th February 2024 – 05:42:44 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 5 minutes | Word count: 1162 words

Expanding your business to Saudi Arabia can be profitable, given the country's thriving economy and strategic location in the Middle East.

Article Client-Centricity: Make Your Clients Feel Valued

Client-Centricity: Make Your Clients Feel Valued

Published on Saturday, 10th February 2024 – 08:09:00 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 7 minutes | Word count: 1622 words

When you provide legal services to businesses or individuals, your clients will always be THE Decision-Makers. Learn about the essential aspects your law firm must consider and implement to attract and keep existing clients and become even more successful.

Article Legal Industry Marketing in the Digital Era

Legal Industry Marketing in the Digital Era

Published on Wednesday, 24th January 2024 – 02:28:55 pm by The Lawyers Global
Reading time: 4 minutes | Word count: 893 words

The current events demand that law firms and legal professionals adapt to changes, remain competitive and innovative, especially in tech-related matters, and be client-centric.

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